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Queertopia Foundation

We Are Queer is part of the Queertopia Foundation. The mission of Queertopia is to improve the physical, social, and mental resilience of LGBTQIA+ individuals. In 2022, we opened the doors of our first We Are Queer location. We have grown into a gym with 2 locations with a big group of lovely coaches and most important, with a fun community. 

Besides your regular gym classes we also support trans people pre- or post gender affirming surgery. Transsport, another project of Queertopia, is a 6-month trajectory to help trans people who are at the start of their transition. Through sports, individual coaching, talking groups and group workshops we offer the space to discover their gender identity and to create a community. 

In the last year we have grown into a queer gym with two locations and a growing members community. This shows that having a safe space to exercise is something that people in the LGBTQIA+ communities really need, and we are incredibly proud and happy to provide that for them. 

A Safe Haven

Our goal is to be a safe haven where you are seen and accepted for who you are. That’s the spirit and dream of We Are Queer. A gym and community space especially for people who identify as LGBTQIA+. We are a gym where binary preconceptions are kept outside. Working out and going to the gym can be challenging from time to time and it gets easier once you feel accepted and welcome. 

Many Different Classes

We Are Queer offers a large variety of classes. From powerlifting and strength training, kickboxing, pilates and yoga, to cycling and a run club. We focus on group classes only and our community of professional coaches are here to guide you through each class. We partnered with Fysio Wijs who provide free physiotherapy walk-ins for our members. Sports should be accessible and something to enjoy and we try to achieve both for our community. 

Community Care Fund

We noticed there is still a big group who do not come to our gyms. Unfortunately, the reason behind this is their resources. Therefore, we want to provide a space for people with less financial means to work out. We started our community care fund. A fund from which we can let people work out for free at our gyms. There are enough hurdles when going to the gym and finances shouldn’t be another one. 

Celebrating All Bodies

We see many of the same body types idealized around us, which we often can’t compare ourselves to, or simply don’t want to compare ourselves to. At We Are Queer, we celebrate all bodies and want sports to help you feel at home in your own body. Whether you want to gain weight, lose weight, develop muscle mass, or want to present yourself more feminine, masculine or anything in between and beyond. 

Not a WERQ member yet? Sign up for a free try-out week! 

Questions? Text us!